Related Uploads List
Medicaid Coverage Group Guide (151 KB)
MHBE August Executive Report (586.1 KB)
July 31 MHBE Executive Report (586.8 KB)
A monthly report published by MHBE that measures insurance enrollment and other Maryland Health Connection results.
When can I get health insurance? (1.7 MB)
This document tells you what life events make it possible for you to enroll any time of year. It includes web links to AHEC West and Maryland Health Connection websites.
2019 Financial Help Overview (409.1 KB)
A chart that can be used to see if financial help to lower insurance costs may be available. Based on family size and income. In order to qualify for financial help, other eligibility requirements must be met.
Regional Forum Slides from MHBE (7 MB)
The complete slide deck from the June 19th 2019 Far Western Regional Forum. Topics include legislative updates; enrollment results; consumer assistance results; SHOP; future goals; and AHEC West's Health Insurance Program.
June 30 2019 MHBE Executive Report (517.3 KB)
A quarterly report published by MHBE that measures insurance enrollment and other Maryland Health Connection results.