Jackie Duckworth joined the group
Pregnancy and Child Health 6 years, 6 months ago
Susan Stewart joined the group
Pregnancy and Child Health 6 years, 6 months ago
Jennifer Corder joined the group
Pregnancy and Child Health 6 years, 6 months ago
Nicole Bradley posted an update in the group
Pregnancy and Child Health 6 years, 6 months ago
I wanted to kick this group off with some discussion on what everyone had trouble with during their pregnancy, whether it is sticking to the guidelines (weight, diet, exercise, etc.), health issues (gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, PUPPP, HELLP syndrome, placenta previa, etc.), or any other topic related to pregnancy.
I personally struggled…[Read more]
Having a healthy baby is the outcome every mother wants. It’s so important to realize that our habits during pregnancy (like caffeine in your case) can influence outcomes, often times silently. The fact that you had good pre-natal care allowed you to learn about the things that were silently occurring, and change your behavior to avoid added…[Read more]
Thanks Nicole for posting your personal struggle with following the “one cup of coffee a day” rule. My personal struggle was choosing the healthier selection of foods for snacks and meals and also my portion sizes for these snacks and meals. Our days and weeks get busier and busier, and I believe it is more important now to exercise and eat…[Read more]
John Corbin joined the group
Pregnancy and Child Health 6 years, 6 months ago