Alison Robinson joined the group
Is our community healthy? 6 years ago
Alison Robinson joined the group
Pregnancy and Child Health 6 years ago
Alison Robinson joined the group
STD’s and STI’s: What’s going on down there? 6 years ago
Lori Ingram joined the group
Worksite Wellness 6 years ago
Brenda Caldwell posted an update in the group
Food for Thought 6 years ago
Can you recognize the symptoms of E. coli infection? Symptoms of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) infections vary from person to person, but often include severe stomach cramps and bloody diarrhea. If there is fever, it is usually not very high (less than 101 degrees Fahrenheit). Most people with STEC infections will begin feeling ill 3 – 4 d…[Read more]
Sandy Kenney Arnold posted an update in the group
Chrysalis 6 years ago
Meeting scheduled for tonight at the Arts Council is cancelled and will be rescheduled. Too many people said they weren’t aware of the meeting.
Brenda Caldwell posted an update in the group
Food for Thought 6 years ago
Click here for information on the current E. coli outbreak relating to romaine lettuce from the Northern and Central growing regions of California. Learn how to keep you and your loved ones safe! https://health.maryland.gov/allegany/Pages/Temp-Romaine-E-Coli.aspx
Brenda Caldwell joined the group
Food for Thought 6 years ago
Lynn Kane posted an update in the group
Worksite Wellness 6 years ago
Water accounts for 60 percent of your body (or about 11 gallons or 92 pounds in a 155-pound person) and is essential to every cell. Here are a few ways water benefits your body’s health.
1. Water helps prevent dry mouth.
2. Water promotes cardiovascular health.
3. Water keeps your body cool.
4. Water helps muscles and joints work better.
5. W…[
Jennifer Corder posted an update in the group
Is our community healthy? 6 years ago
I like your measures! What is the reason for the bump in number of medicaid enrollees in July 2018?
Bill Lafferty posted an update in the group
Worksite Wellness 6 years ago
Chronic Diseases – Information from the CDC
Six in ten adults in the US have a chronic disease and four in ten adults have two or more.
Chronic disease includes: Heart Disease, Cancer, COPD, Stroke, Alzheimer’s Disease, Diabetes and Chronic Kidney failure.
Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require…[Read more]
Alison Robinson posted an update in the group
Worksite Wellness 6 years ago
Here at the health department we are encouraging our staff to be more mindful of their current health, which includes blood pressure. We are going to set up blood pressure self-check stations, in staff occupied areas, were they can use a digital blood pressure machine to check their current blood pressure. We will also have information at each…[Read more]
Alison Robinson joined the group
Worksite Wellness 6 years ago
Renee Kniseley posted an update in the group
Worksite Wellness 6 years ago
join the Healthiest Maryland Businesses group. If your organization is interested you will need to complete the CDC scorecard at : http://www.healthiestmdbusinesses.org/ ( it is free to join)
What is ‘Healthiest Maryland Businesses’?
Healthiest Maryland is a statewide movement to create a culture of wellness—an environment that makes the h…[Read more]
Renee Kniseley joined the group
School Health Nursing 6 years ago
Renee Kniseley joined the group
Chrysalis 6 years ago
Renee Kniseley joined the group
Food for Thought 6 years ago
Renee Kniseley joined the group
Diseases Spread by Humans, Animals and Insects 6 years ago
Lynn Kane posted an update in the group
Worksite Wellness 6 years ago
What creative ideas are you implementing in your work sites during the holidays?
The Allegany County Health Department is looking to distribute healthy holiday recipes. In January, we plan to resume the Wednesday Wellness Water day and today we have an in-service on Mindful Meditation.Post your efforts over the holidays to improve worksite wellness…
Lynn Kane posted an update in the group
Diseases Spread by Humans, Animals and Insects 6 years ago
Have you been hearing about a fairly new infection that is causing paralysis in children.
Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a rare but serious condition. It affects the nervous system and causes the muscles and reflexes in the body to become weak. CDC has been thoroughly investigating the AFM cases that have occurred since 2014, when we first noted…[Read more] - Load More