Danielle Shaw

Member's groups

  • Group logo of CQI and Performance Management 9
    active 1 day, 10 hours ago

    This action group is a space for ACHD employees to:
    Share information regarding CQI and Performance Management; including CQI projects
    Collaborate on efforts across ACHD
    Recommend revisions of measures and goals […]

    Private Group
  • Group logo of AlleganySpeaks.com Community Engagement 30
    active 4 days, 13 hours ago

    AlleganySpeaks.com welcomes community members and traditional stakeholders to participate in health improvement discussions, events and activities for the benefit of the residents of our beautiful county. Measures […]

    Public Group
  • Group logo of Is our community healthy? 62
    active 2 weeks ago

    To raise awareness and promote small changes which allow you to live a longer, healthier life.

    Public Group
  • Group logo of Western Maryland Food Council- Allegany County Workgroup 6
    active 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    The Western Maryland Food Council serves Washington, Allegany, and Garrett Counties, the three most western counties in Maryland. Our goal is to bring together diverse stakeholders in our food system to sustain, […]

    Public Group
  • Group logo of PrEP ( HIV Pre-Exposure  Prophylaxis) 11
    active 3 months ago

    PrEP is for people who are HIV negative but are at risk of getting the virus through unprotected sex or injection drug use. PrEP is safe and as simple as one pill, once a day. PrEP can provide 92%-99% protection […]

    Public Group
  • Group logo of Hepatitis C can be cured. Get tested. Get treated. 13
    active 3 months ago

    Four million Americans have hepatitis C and only half know it.
    People can live years without symptoms.
    The only way to know if you have hep C is to be tested.
    Join the group to talk about the cure for hep C. […]

    Public Group
  • Group logo of Drugs: Problems and Solutions 52
    active 3 months, 1 week ago

    This action group will identify community concerns related to drugs, and will highlight groups addressing the problem, so we can work together to create solutions.

    Public Group
  • Group logo of Taking Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 6
    active 3 months, 1 week ago

    The purpose of this collaborative group is to improve health and to prevent chronic disease in Allegany County.
    Topics may include, but are not limited to: fitness and health groups, diabetes management, health […]

    Public Group

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