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STD Awareness Month (123.6 KB)
April is STD Awareness Month. Talk.Test.Treat.
Population Distribution by Age (234.3 KB)
2017 STI data based upon the population distribution by age in Allegany County, MD.
The Lowdown to preventing STD's (778.1 KB)
STD rates in Allegany County (428.4 KB)
Many people have asked, do we really have that many STD's in our area? The attachment shows our rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis for the year 2017.
Talking to Teens about Sex (For parents) (1.5 MB)
Chrissy posted about the fact that 50% of STI's occur in the 15-24 year old age group (even though they make up only 25% of the sexually active population). I have uploaded a document from the CDC that offers guidance to parents on how to talk to their teens about sex, since teens are included in this high incidence population.