Jennifer Corder posted an update in the group
Cancer Screenings Save Lives 6 years, 5 months ago
How will Allegany County be participating in October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month? What activities are planned?
Jennifer Corder posted an update in the group Cancer Screenings Save Lives 6 years, 5 months ago
How will Allegany County be participating in October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month? What activities are planned?
Built with ❤️ in Allegany County, Maryland.
We are participating in a Womens Health Presentation on October 9 at WMHS. I have attached a flyer that tells about this program. Should be very informative, and we will have a table set up with nurses to answer questions about cancer and screenings. We have also put information in the newspaper, and we are available to speak at meetings, community groups, church groups, or whoever wants more information about cancer and the importance of getting regular screenings.