
  • MJoy posted an update in the group Group logo of Diseases Spread by Humans, Animals and InsectsDiseases Spread by Humans, Animals and Insects 5 years, 1 month ago

    Just a note to all the travelers who may be going to Dominican Republic to get away from the snow. There have been 3 deaths due to rabies exposure in children. In all three cases the children were bitten by a dog (not the same dog) and did not receive post exposure treatment.
    If you go to another country just be aware that the dog variant of rabies is still active in other parts of the world. If you are bitten while on vacation please see a doctor when you get back to the states. If you are going to be gone longer than 10 days then see a doctor where you are.

    • Thanks for this reminder Misty. The only thing I’d add to your advice is to not touch/pet any animals during international travel. Children especially might be tempted to do this. Such sad cases.

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